Friday, October 12, 2007

8 Random Things About Me

Preamble: Jeffery tagged me with the 8 Random Things meme. As I've done it once before I decided to copy/paste it here; for that reason I haven't tagged anyone else. The astute amongst you will notice that I cannot count. This is why I don't intend to apply for anaesthetic training.


(May 2007)

Xavier has tagged me with the 8 Random Things meme. I think that everyone knew it was pronounced "meem" before I did, but I've yet to meet everyone in the world. Anyway, thanks Xavier, you've spared me the bother of thinking of a topic to post on.

  1. I still feel guilty about naughty things I did when I was a kid.

  2. In highschool I had a boyfriend who was a nutcase. But an intelligent, beautiful nutcase. Not so any more.

  3. I really dislike having dried-out hands, so I keep moisturiser in my house, my parents', the Boy's and at uni. Likewise, if I do not have lip balm on me, the day is a Disaster. I'm not exaggerating.

  4. My uni friends all think I'll be the first to have kids. My highschool friends all think I"ll be the last.

  5. I love kitchen implements. I know exactly the alloy I want for my saucepans, the heft of the knives I'll use, the size of the chopping boards and the type of fridge. I don't care for brand names, but I'd die if someone gave me a Le Cruset cast iron casserole dish.

  6. I rejected the Boy the first time he asked me out.

  7. I have very waxy ears. They get so filled that they become blocked, but I tend not to notice. Like failing eyesight, slowly failing hearing is insidious. This has led to many bickerings with the Boy: I accuse him of mumbling, he accuses me of not listening properly, and the arguement ends with him saying, "Go clean out your ears!" Cotton buds can't get enough wax out, though, so I've taken to using the rounded end of a long bobby pin. Instant results!
    (Extra random fact: ear wax comes in two colours: orange and grey. Grey is more common in some Asian populations, and the genetic lineage of a single village can be charted based upon the colour of each resident's ear wax.)

  8. I'm a little bit obsessive-compulsive (seriously, living in my head for a day would drive most people bonkers). Unfortunately, it's not in the gotta-study way. Bugger.

  9. I much prefer to sleep naked, and I don't own any pjyamas. Last week it was so cold that I wore clothes to bed for the first time, and was very disappointed at having to.


Sara said...

THANK YOU so much for the ear wax thing! That is perfect to drop at parties...the genetic colors of earwax...

Milk and Two Sugars said...

You're very welcome! It will amaze and delight!

Elaine said...

Hi there, I have just found your post from a link on the shrink's blog. I am retired (for a number of years from the National Health Service in Britain, but enjoy keeping in touch with what is going on in the medical world.

PH said...

Ah, you are awesome! I also have excessive wax and sleep better naked!

The Girl said...

Awesome! Now that we're sharing, I also don't mind sleeping naked, but have so many nightmares in which I am not wearing clothes in inappropriate situations that it just isn't worth it. ;)

My Health Tea said...

wow that is sharing I wish I would be this brave

mizrachfaith said...

"...the genetic lineage of a single village can be charted based upon the colour of each resident's ear wax."

Wow! This is a new info for me, eh. Truly amazing, eh.

Thanks for sharing,
Mizrachfaith | October Is World MRSA Awareness Month